Information Matters has offered technical support to the Dominican Republic’s Consejo Nacional para el Cambio Climático y el Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio (CNCCMDL) between October 2013 and June 2017. A kick-off workshop and a stock taking analysis laid the ground for the elaboration of a tailored capacity-building plan that included several in-country workshops for the staff of government agencies involved in monitoring and reporting activities. Based on this plan, Information Matters supported the Dominican Republic with:

  • the foundation of a national MRV system and raising awareness on climate change mitigation,
  • the setup of a national GHG Inventory system,
  • the generation of capacities in the preparation and management of GHG inventories, and
  • the preparation of the first Biennial Update Report (BUR).

The Dominican Republic started the preparation of its first BUR in 2017.With the extension of support in June 2017, the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) took over the support for the Dominican Republic building upon the fundament established by the Information Matters project.


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Photo credits of all workshop pictures on this website: GIZ and Ricardo Energy and Environment