The Good Practice Database presents various examples of good practices worldwide which demonstrate how climate policies and actions are being effectively designed and implemented across a range of national contexts. This analysis is a joint initiative of the Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement, the UNDP Low Emission Capacity Building Programme and the NDC Support Cluster.

Catalyzing Enterprises in Peru

Peru, Latin America and Caribbean
Peru is a rapidly developing economy with a nationally developed plan called Peru’s Planning for Climate Change (PLCC). Its industries rely heavily on natural resources and require high amounts of energy for steel manufacturing, component …

Seizing the Sunshine: Barbados’ thriving solar water heater industry

Barbados, Latin America and Caribbean
Barbados is an island nation in the Caribbean. Before 1970 Barbados relied on oil imports for 95% of all its energy needs including space and water heating. As oil prices rose 300% in the 70’s, Barbados sought to diversify its energy …

Strengthening Climate Resilience: The Case of Grenada

Grenada, Latin America and Caribbean
Grenada is an island nation with a land area of approximately 350 km2 and a population of approximately 100,000 people. Grenada is highly vulnerable to climate change and has relatively low financial or technical capacity to prevent it. It …