Published by
World Resource Institute (WRI)

E-learning courses and calculation tools to support the application of GHG Protocol mitigation accounting standards

WRI has developed two e-learning courses to help users implement the GHG Protocol, the Policy and Action Standard and the Mitigation Goal Standard. The Mitigation Goal Standard course explains how to set national or subnational greenhouse gas reduction goals and account for their progress over time. The Policy and Action Standard course describes how to estimate the greenhouse gas impact of policies and actions in order to inform policy design and improve their effectiveness in reducing emissions. See links for further information.

The online, self-paced e-learning courses contain a variety of examples, illustrations, expert interviews, and exercises to facilitate an in-depth understanding of the concepts and steps contained in the two standards.

Two new Excel calculation tools will also be available by November 2016 to help users implement these standards. The tools are designed to help users more easily apply the standards by including built-in equations and default data sources for the calculation steps and graphing and reporting the results.