Published by
Mitigation Momentum

Annual Status Report on Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs)

NAMAs have the potential to play a key role in laying the groundwork for an inclusive global agreement on climate change. This would translate climate collaboration from political negotiation texts to action that achieves changes in the lives of people and communities. Therefore, NAMA development could function as a trust-building exercise between Annex I and Non-Annex I countries. It opens a space for experimentation and for creative dialogue on the implications and requirements of a climate agreement.

This report begins with an overview of the latest statistics on NAMA development, drawing from the UNFCCC NAMA Registry and the Ecofys NAMA Database. The second section discusses ‘where progress is most needed’ on NAMAs in the areas of defining, financing, monitoring, and operationalizing. Finally, the authors have invited experts on NAMAs from ten leading institutions to contribute short opinion pieces on the role of NAMAs in a post-2020 climate-change regime and to reflect on what is needed in the coming year to prepare for that. The report identifies a number of hopeful developments.